NAPO Michigan represents the best Organizing and Productivity Professional Members in our state. While most of our Blog posts are written from a we, or a Chapter perspective, once in a while we receive a submission that tells the true story of an individual. While the story may be about one of us in particular, this story is compelling and displays the reason why we all do what we do. Organizers of all types, including Photo Managers, help families and individuals sort through their family stories and memorabilia, prioritize those of significance, then determine and create the means to retain that family history for posterity.
Read on. We hope you gain perspective of the value of what we all do from this timely piece by NAPO Michigan Member, Patty Hopp, a Professional Photo Manager.
Most of us would agree that the past few months of quarantine have been difficult. We’ve been forced to adjust and change our “normal” way of life. Many of us started working from home instead of going to an office to work. Children are now home-schooled instead of going to school with their friends. Our old routine and past ways of doing things have changed.
In the middle of all the uncertainty and chaos, I’ve seen many awesome pictures that truly tell the story of what we’re going through. Facebook is filled each day with pictures of families spending more time together, of siblings playing outside having fun, with pictures of people helping other people, and stories of great acts of kindness.
Last week, a friend of mine shared a photo of her boys arm wrestling in their driveway. I LOVE this photo. The look on each of their faces is absolutely priceless. You can see their determination to win and their competitiveness while enjoying some quality time as brothers.

Recent social media has also been filled with numerous stories about random acts of kindness. I’ve seen several pictures and read stories of many of our local school lunch ladies and volunteers who are working countless hours preparing and delivering meals to children. These people are true HEROES.

As we continue to move forward while still under our Stay at Home order, I encourage you to take pictures of your “day to day” activities. One day you’ll look back through your photos and think about how the coronavirus changed your life and the lives of those you love!
Written by NAPO Michigan Member Patty Hopp, Professional Photo Manager,