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Our chapter is always interested in welcoming new Business Members. To meet our criteria for membership, your company must be a supplier, distributor, or manufacturer of organizing-related goods or services. We're excited to learn about your company! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

Best Wishes,
Lisa Tannis, Director of Business Membership

A Business  Member is a representative of a company involved in the sale, distribution, or manufacturing of organizing products or related services. One person from your company must be designated as the representative to our chapter. Joining NAPO Michigan is an opportunity to network and partner with organizers, promote your product or services, and expand your knowledge of our industry.

The cost of Business Membership is $225 per year. There is a one-time application fee of $25 when you join. Business Membership is subject to application approval by our Board of Directors.

  • Free attendance at monthly chapter meetings and some special events                         
  • Discounted attendance at chapter-sponsored workshops and other special events 
  • Educational, promotional, volunteer, networking and mentorship opportunities
  • Your own profile in the Business Partner Listing                         
  • Your logo featured on our homepage
  • Access to the chapter's lending library of organizing books and CDs                        
  • Access to audio recordings of the chapter's most recent monthly meetings                         
  • Participation in the chapter's POINT forum (an online, member-only discussion venue) 
  • Opportunity for new members to be paired with a "Buddy"                          
  • Opportunity to contribute articles to the chapter Blog, gaining exposure of your name                  
  • Opportunity to volunteer on a committee or join a working group                         
  • Use of the NAPO Michigan name and logo in your marketing materials                         
  • Eligibility to hold office as the Director of Business Membership, or in any other non-executive position on the Board of Directors                 
  • Voting rights                         
  • Ability to give a 10-minute "spotlight" presentation at one chapter meeting each year               
  • Ability to display marketing materials at monthly chapter meetings 
  • Ability to generate referrals by offering incentives exclusively to chapter members


Submit a membership application via our online system using the form below. Once received, our Board of Directors will evaluate if your company's product or service qualifies you for membership. We'll then be in touch to let you know if your application was approved.

Business Partner$225.00 (USD), prorated to $93.75 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: August 1st No automatically recurring payments

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Our Current Business Members


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Send us your questions or comments. We'll forward your message to the appropriate person and do our best to respond in a timely fashion. Please direct your inquiry to:


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